Digital marketing is a form of marketing that uses the internet and digital devices like computers and smartphones to establish connections with customers. It takes more than just running a promoted Instagram ad to increase sales; it's a set of processes that connects with clients at every level of the purchasing process.

Digital marketing includes email, social media, advertising, and multimedia messaging that is spread through mobile and online. More people are going online every day, making up more than 60% of the entire world's population.

[1]. Because of this, businesses are currently growing their digital marketing costs by double digits, while traditional marketing is being cut.

 [2].Digital marketing greatly benefits from data. Marketers can target particular groups by developing content that fits perfectly to their preferred digital platforms and gathering useful information by following a customer's journey in real time. For instance, Starbucks has gathered information from its rewards programs to discover seasonal trends and develop specialized promotions.

5 Types of Digital Marketing (with examples)

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The aim of search engine optimization (SEO) is to improve the visibility of online content on search engines like Google and Bing. If you've ever used Google to conduct a search, you've probably seen that even a simple search can produce millions of results.  

Digital marketers use SEO to make sure that potential buyers actually locate their products or services online in such a congested industry. The following are a few typical SEO methods:

  1. Producing quality content that meets searchers' needs. 
  1. Using keywords to make it easier for search engines to find relevant content.
  1. Using long-tail keywords to help content find its intended audience (particular search terms).
  1. Making sure the material loads quickly and is appropriate for mobile devices. 

  1. Content Marketing:  Using original content like blogs, articles, and newsletters, content marketing connects target audiences. It is frequently done by using content that appeals to a certain target to increase brand awareness.

Various digital media channels offer different options for content marketing, including: 

  1. Informative blogs and articles 
  1. Unique videos
  1. Podcasts 
  1. Newsletters (such as those from Substack, Medium, or LinkedIn)

  1. Email Marketing:  Marketers inform potential customers of specials, discounts, and product debuts by sending timely emails to huge groups of people who have joined their contact lists.

Some common examples of emailing marketing include: 

  1. Emails sent at specific times to increase brand awareness around the holidays 
  1. Emails sent in bulk that alert users to upcoming sales events 
  1. Personalized offers and communications are sent by targeted emails to selected subscribers on a mailing list. 

  • Pay Per Click (PPC): A Digital Marketing strategy known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising involves an advertiser paying a         publisher each time one of their ads is clicked. The publisher can be a website owner, a search engine operator, or a social media platform like Facebook or Instagram.

       Examples of PPC advertising include: 

  1. Banner advertisements that show above or to the sides of site content. 
  1. Social media advertisements that show up in the feeds of specific audiences. 
  1. Advertisements that show up after a user enters a particular keyword into a search engine like Google.

  1. Social Media Marketing:  Social media marketing is a form of digital marketing that targets consumers using social networks like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. To reach specific consumers, it makes use of the social network platforms' reach along with informed data campaigns. 

Social media provides the chance to contact a broad—and targeted—audience of potential customers, whether through desktops, mobile devices, or mobile apps. 

These are some examples of social media marketing:  

  1. Videos shared on social media as a part of a larger campaign, like this music video with an 80s theme created by the walnut brand Planters for the holidays 
  1. Images shared on Instagram that express a brand's personality, like the photos of nature that Patagonia posts there

  1. Search Engine Marketing: Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of online marketing that involves using search engine result pages to promote business websites in order to increase website traffic, search engine marketing makes websites more visible through paid advertising or search engine optimization (SEO).

How to Become a Digital Marketer:

Digital marketers need to be familiar with digital technologies, business, communications, and marketing. You will require creativity, strategy, and analytical skills.

Having a bachelor's degree in business or communications is preferred by many employers, but if you have the essential abilities, you don't always need one. Candidates who completed an internship while in school are in a better position.  

Careers in digital marketing require the following skills:


  1. Communication 
  1. Collaboration with product developers, strategists, and designers
  1. Smart thinking
  1. Knowledge of data analytics and data analysis
  1. Using social media
  1. Generation of content
  1. CRM and SEM/SEO tools.